Tendos CDI Analytics gives your team the insights they need to take action.

Tendo Insights provides actionable recommendations to your clinical, quality, clinical documentation improvement, and revenue teams. Improve clinical outcomes and patient experience while boosting revenue and elevating quality rankings.

image of a file upload card
percent of tasks card
new cms star rank card
new rank and revenue opportunity cards
penalty avoidance

It’s time to receive credit for your outstanding clinical quality.

screenshot of a tendo scorecard
screenshot of a what if analysis
screenshot of system comparison
screenshot of encounter data
screenshot of a what if analysis
screenshot of hcahps data
screenshot of penalty reduction data
cards showing ways your rank can improve
What can you achieve?

Get your free Tendo scorecard.

Our expert team will deliver actionable insights into quality and revenue opportunities for your organization.

Empower everyone from leaders to front-line staff with actionable insights embedded in the flow of work.

picture of several of the service options

Tendo’s Insight to Action solution enables you to:

picture of the qsv app
picture of the patient care journey app with qsv notifcation

Improve national, state, and regional rankings

Higher rankings mean better recognition for care among patients and peers, which can also help attract top talent.

Streamline workflow for clinical, revenue, and CDI teams

Effective workflows help automate processes to increase staff productivity as well as drive multidisciplinary alignment.

Create better patient outcomes

Increase the accuracy of patient data and get credit for the quality of care.

Reduce costly penalties

Decrease hospital readmission and HAC rates.

Increase reimbursement

Quality improvements and coding accuracy boost reimbursements.

Gain visibility into real-time performance

Surface insights to executive leadership about clinical care.

Want to learn more?

Request an assessment.

Find out what Tendo can do for you. Have time for a quick chat? 

more of what Tendo has to offer

For patients and clinicians

Patient Care Journey

Tendo's unified, consumer-grade, omnichannel app empowers patients to navigate their health. Drive patient growth and retention through better engagement.

For IT and operations

Modern Platform

Command and control center for your digital ops. Orchestrate solution configurations in a self-service environment to be flexible, agile, and scalable across all your service lines.

For everyone


Patients, clinicians, and operations teams utilize deep Insights and targeted outreach to facilitate informed decision-making & drive better results.

It’s time to harness data to make smart moves.

It’s time to Tendo.

tendo logo

It’s time to harness data to make smart moves.

It’s time to Tendo.