The thing about healthcare is that everyone’s got a story…
Amanda recounts her anxiety and stress while waiting weeks to get life-changing test results. Arlen has a notebook where he manages his wife’s medications. Dr. Cooper arrives three hours early every day to read through patient notes. Bryan talks about waiting for hours to see his primary care doctor. Darren, a home healthcare worker, flips through a 30-page fax describing his patient’s history. Debbie pulls out the three-ring binder she was given to manage instructions, meeting dates, and emergency phone numbers. Dr. Graham spends as much time entering data as he does with patients. And Alex shares the frantic twenty minutes he spent trying to get an appointment for his daughter after her fever hit 104.5℉.
We’ve spent the last year listening. We’ve listened to patients and caregivers. We’ve listened to clinicians and administrators. We’ve heard hundreds of stories in healthcare. And, while each story is personal and unique, so many of our stories share a common thread of anxiety, frustration, and uncertainty. If health and wellbeing are some of the most important things in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, why is healthcare so hard to use?
Yes, healthcare is large, complex, and regulated. It relies on ever-changing science and employs millions of people caring for billions. But, if we’ve learned anything over the past year, and during a pandemic, it’s that there’s potential for change.
Healthcare providers do a herculean job providing care to so many people. They work tirelessly to care for their patients, despite the fact that they’re inundated with administrative tasks.
We can do better.
Over the past two decades, we’ve seen technology power the digital transformation of industries delivering massive advances in how we work and live. Businesses operate at the speed of the internet globally with virtual working teams and information flowing seamlessly. As consumers, we’ve become accustomed to accessing services, products, and media at the tap of a key or the touch of a screen — connected, coordinated, and available. These common realities exist just about everywhere today, except in healthcare.
At Tendo, we see the potential for every patient, clinician, and caregiver to reinvent their story. Change takes time, but together, we can build a healthier, more connected world where seeking, delivering, and managing care is frictionless.
We hope you’ll follow our journey (and maybe even join our team).