Top Five Healthcare Trends Expected to Continue in 2024

by | Jan 17, 2024

In 2024 the healthcare industry will continue to face significant challenges and opportunities. Financial pressures are paramount, with over half of U.S. hospitals operating at a loss, necessitating innovative focused short and long-term strategies to improve revenue, particularly through patient-centric initiatives. Workforce shortages remain a critical issue, leading to an increased reliance on contract staffing and a need for redefined credentialing and workforce development. Technological advancements are pivotal in streamlining administrative tasks and improving the quality of patient care.

The industry is experiencing a shift towards patient-centric care, blending traditional and digital healthcare approaches. Success in healthcare is increasingly measured by digital convenience, affordability, and accessibility, rather than just hospital occupancy rates.

Click the link below to read more about our 2024 predictions in our contributed article with Beckers

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